Students in Year 7 & 8 classes have a Homeroom Teacher for English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Health. This means that students will spend between 15- and 20 hours (out of 25) with their Homeroom teachers. The Homeroom environment is a stable one, allowing students to work within familiar routines and in a classroom which they can call their own.
As part of the College’s focus on improving learning partnerships the Year 7 homerooms use the SeeSaw app. Your child will have his or her own learning journal, and you can get notified when your child adds new items.
All students at Bream Bay College are expected to have a device. A Chrome Book is fine for year 7 students. These will be used in all classes.
As part of the College’s focus on improving communication parents will be able to communicate with all staff at the College via email or telephone. To email a teacher, please send the message to To leave a phone message please phone 4328226.
Students are offered many opportunities and we encourage our students to become as involved as possible.All students are encouraged to take an active role in all activities eg bands- music, swimming, athletics, Te Tuinga, Student Council, Library, Debating, Kapahaka and Sports Exchanges.
Camps take place each year. They take part in a range of outdoor educational activities in a beautiful setting. The classes try to fundraise as much of the camp fees as they can.
The College offers Maori enrichment education for Year 7 to 10. A homeroom teacher is responsible for delivering Social Studies, English, Maths and Health. Technologies, Science, PE, Te Reo Maori, Art and Music are taught by Specialist teachers in separate facilties. TRK Curriculum Guide.
Meet the TRK and bilingual kaupapa
Te Rerenga Kotuku
This ingoa (name) derives from our unique connection to Patuharakeke as hau kainga o tēnei whenua. The Kotuku or White Heron considered a kaitiaki of Patuharakeke, protector and guardian of Patuharakeke whenua. Such will be the persona of our Whare, a safe place, one that provides not only academic support but physical, emotional and spiritual support for our tauira (students)
The whakatauaki ‘He kotuku rerenga tahi’ directly translates to ‘A White heron flies once’ and typically used on an occasion when something very special takes place. Rarely seen, the Kōtuku is an expression of a unique event or a momentous opportunity; such has been the 20 year journey to establish our whare.
The White Heron was one of the few birds that our tūpuna did not use as a source of nourishment such was the status of the manu. Te kotuku feather used instead as an adornment worn in the hair of Rangatira (chiefs).
Students progressing into Year 9 & 10 are given the opportunity to select Subjects online. Students choose their options during term 3, for the following year via an electronic link which is emailed to the students. Subject choices are listed below.
CLICK HERE for Junior Diploma Credit Analysis Information.
For trips and events for Year 9 & 10, please see our Trips/Events Page. For information regarding Year 9 & 10 Leadership/Citizenship/Stripes and other opportunities please visit our Awards and Honors Page.
YEAR 9 COMPULSORY SUBJECTS: English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education
YEAR 9 SUBJECT CHOICES: Health, Maori, Music, Horticulture, Fabrics, Technology, Food Technology, Digital Technologies, Hard Materials, Makeaspace, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama
YEAR 10 COMPULSORY SUBJECTS: English, Maths, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education
YEAR 10 SUBJECT CHOICES: Health, Maori, Music, Horticulture, Fabrics Technology, Food Technology, Digital Technologies, Drama, Hard Materials, DVD Graphics, Makeaspace, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama